For years and years, we've all had the Toddleedoo. Everyone and their Great Uncle Sam 8 times removed has heard of it. Which was the best option because the body looked the best, you could use your own head and it had the largest selection of clothes (mostly girls clothes. But still it had the most clothes.) It still does. But now there is something new coming out soon, preorders are now open.
So, you have all probably heard of it by now. Now what is the BSBB you ask? It's a new body of course! For all us kids in sl who are just wanting something different and new, because everyone deserves to have OPTIONS in their life.
First off I just want to get out of the way; no, it will not fit your TD clothing. Also your TD shape will not work properly with the Bebe Body without having to make modifications to the actual body shape. So the good news is, you can keep your face if you're one of the ones with the bento heads or don't want go the mesh head route, you just have to modify your shape a bit to make it work. They also work with non bento heads, so if you just want to go the premade shape route, I'm sure shape and skin makers are gonna have some of those out soon.

The rigging is completely different in the BSBB than in the TD, this means that no your TD clothing will not fit. I honestly don't think I can stress that enough. So many people keep asking if it'll fit the TD clothing. I know that it sucks, we've all spent years building up our clothing collection of things that most girls will wear once or twice then never again, or things that boys wear everyday because there just isn't a large selection for them, and the larger part of boys clothing is all the exact same 15 templates with different textures on them from a dozen different stores. But hey, hopefully since this is a new body, and the need for super girly clothes has died down, there will be a larger selection of unisex/gender neutral clothing.

BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! Belly. Button. Options. Oh yeah. Get excited. You can choose between either an innie OR an outtie. Oh boy, am I excited about that. I can't wait to run around with my little belly button poking out everywhere! Woo hoo! So cute, but it also gives you a chance to just make your body feel a little more you. Because not everyone has the same belly button irl. And when I had noticed it on one of the Beta's that she sent me, I was like OMG, I didn't even realize I needed this so bad! But now it is a thing, and we can all be prepared to take pictures of our adorable belly buttons! (Because that's a thing right?)

For the first month of the BSBB's release, all the stores that are making things for the body will all be found in the same building that you can find the body at. After the first month, it will become a monthly sale building. Woo new things every month! Lucky you guys, ya'll don't have to wander around naked while you shop for clothes. That building is located here! I mean unless you just don't care. I went naked to each of the stores below just to make sure all the lms worked, which they had at the time they were sent to me. Don't need everyone telling me I sent ya'll to the wrong places and Creepy Old Uncle Jim was there with his white van offering you candy. No thank you!
The body itself will be 999$. IK! It's so cheap in comparison to adult bodies, but yes the price tag is higher than the TD. You get what you pay for though, as with all of Eeilee's items.
There are two inworld groups for the body; Bad Seed Bebe Body, which is your basic support group, in case you have any questions that were not answered by this post or the informative stuff Eeilee herself has been sending out. The second group is Bebe Body Adverts Group, for all of you who like to stay informed about new things coming out and the designers who like to send notices inworld.
Eeilee has also informed me of the update order once the body's official release happens which is... July 1st, 2017. Once the body is released the updates will come in this order...

Once those are done, she will be updating all of the skins in her store to properly fit her body and everything. After that is done, all of her clothes in her store will be re-rigged to fit her body, because as stated in the beginning of this post, TD clothing does not work on this body.

Aside from the building, that has the body and all those shops, I've also made a small guide of which. designers are making things for the Bebe Body. Some are still working on releasing their first item, others have already released their items at events and in their mainstores. There have even been some FLF (50$L Friday) items released for the body. But keep in mind, those are only 50$L for the duration of the day/weekend, depending on the store owner's decision to pick it up, or remove the item that is still for sale. Click the logo to grab the SLURL to visit their main locations, stop in, take a look around, see what they have where.
I thank you for the time that I know it took you forever to read, and I hope that you feel fully informed about the body now. Go forth young ones, and make your decisions, look, around, buy things. Window shop, but most of all, just enjoy your SL!
.Ivy Riverview.
--Beginner's Shopping Guide--
--Beginner's Shopping Guide--
(Please be aware the categories do not mean that is all they sell, many of these stores fall under multiple categories, more lms coming soon)
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