I know that we are upside down,
so hold your tongue and hear me out.
I know that we were made to break;
So what? I don't mind...
I haven't forgotten about you big kids! I've just been super lazy about taking pictures. :D
I love these jeans. I love color spectrum jeans, mostly because they offset black and white shirts so well. You can brighten almost any outfit with some nice bright jeans. Plus is it me or do constantly wearing denim jeans make you feel like the only thing you're really changing is your shirt every day? Changing it from denim to color spectrum is great because you actually feel like you're changing everyday... even if you just put on a different color of the exact same pants and leave the same shirt on.
But I love yellow jeans so much. IDK why. Maybe it's because they are eye catching. Maybe it's because Diiego says that they're cancer inducing. Whatever the reasoning, I love these jeans. <3
>.Iris Menna.<
Hair: *ARGRACE* ARATA - Ebony [Taxi]
Hairbase: AITUI - 5 Etched Hair Bases - Monumentum [Taxi]
Skin: *Zanzo* Kosei ~ Haniji (Clean) [Taxi]
Ears: :GAUGED: Elven Stretched Ears [Taxi]
Eyeliner: Flirt - Guy Liner 1 [Taxi]
Piercings: :: Knock! :: Piercing 11002 [Taxi]
Body: #SMB Mesh Body for Kids 1.65 [MP]
Shirt: [SKM] Tarred Button Up Dress Shirt MESH [Taxi]
Jeans: [SKM] Toddactiv Jeans Boxers Combo MESH [Taxi]
Background: [Con.] Fossil Hunter Set (RetireDec 13 Arcade Item) [Taxi... I think?]
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