This was my outfit for my birthday outfit. And yes I know it's been a while since I've posted. Buuuut I have outfits, lots for kids, and a few for adults. This is my new zombie killing outfit >:D It's really military-ish which makes it great for things like combat rp.
The outfit is from Severed Garden, which I do like their stuff even though I don't shop there often. I check a lot cause their stuff is usually well priced and good for a lot of RP. The pants, boots and shirt are all mesh. And no guys, you can't have my shape; so please stop asking! >.<
>.Iris Ventris.<
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Sara - fades
Outfit: *{ SeVered GarDeN }* JILL
Eyes: [PixelSteam] Warm Eyes
Skin: ~Mynerva~Kianna Bisque

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