The first one >.> I can tell you exactly why he gave it to me. See, at my job students tell me all the time they can see why no one likes me. And I tell them "I'm not here to be your friend." And so upon reading this shirt I was instantly reminded of that. But I don't say it all that much. Lots of students love me! The shirt says "I didn't come here to impress none of you motherfuckers".

Then there's this grey shirt. It's part of a set, for her and him. He gave the match to my bf. The shirts say LOVE together and they say LOVE on the front and back. My SL great grandmother gave me the $Ls for this hair from truth. So it's the gift from her to me. :) I want to thank my family for making this the best birthday I've had in years.
>.Iris Ventris.<
First outfit
Halter: Corvus : Impress shirt Mesh
Panties: Gawk! Black Mini Panties
Hair: .ploom. Anarin
Second Outfit
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Sara - fades
Shirt: Horns & Halos ~ L O V E dress MESH
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