So I've been loving this fur avi. It's so cute, and finding mesh hair that fits fur's heads aren't easy. I wish people made more mesh hairs that are furry sized. But I got lucky, and I found another hair at truth.
Mesh jeans always rock, and these are great cause they are for furs, I think I've blogged pants like these before actually... nope just checked, I haven't. Okay these jeans are from apricot paws, and are rigged mesh. They come in different types instead of the normal XS to XL. But they are still awesome, and unisex
I'm in the market for a new rp. But nothing is really catching my eye. Anyone know any good rp sims? I've done Dead End, and Mischief Managed. Any suggestions?
>.Iris Ventris.<
Hair: >TRUTH< Hilary - light browns
Top: .::voxxi::. Frilled Mesh Top Black
Jeans: Apricot Paws - meshDigi Jeans - Light
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